Join the Effort to Protect Bonny Doon
Please support the RBDA!
Joining the RBDA isn’t just good for us, it’s good for you. The more Bonny Dooners that become members, the more strongly the RBDA can advocate for you!
By now you’ve received your January Highlander newsletter, reminding you that NOW is the time to renew your membership (or join us, if you’re not a member yet). Annual memberships end on January 31st of each year. It is easier than ever to renew or join! Just click on the button above and pay your dues by credit card or pop a check in the postage-paid envelope enclosed in the recent Highlander. Questions? Email
Bonny Doon residents may have different views and opinions on the issues in front of us, but the RBDA believes we can pull together on the ones that really matter. We encourage all Bonny Dooners to join and help us make a difference here on the mountain. For over 60 years the RBDA has worked to advocate for the Bonny Doon community, holding public meetings on subjects of interest to residents and publishing The Highlander, our issue-oriented newsletter. The RBDA is your community organization and makes your voice heard to the many different agencies, public and private, that work on issues and legislation that directly affect us here in Bonny Doon. The RBDA is here to educate, inform, listen and advocate for you!
Dues and donations go to maintaining our website, printing and mailing The Highlander newsletter, insurance for public meetings, and other related advocacy expenses.
The RBDA is a 501(4) non-profit organization. The RBDA will not share your information with anyone and does not store your credit card information.
Who is Eligible to Join
If you live in or own property within this district, roughly from Empire Grade to the ocean and from San Vicente Creek to the City of Santa Cruz border, you are eligible to be an RBDA member.